Governance and executive
The CCB Toronto Visionaries is governed by an Executive Committee comprised of blind and partially-sighted volunteers. As a chartered chapter of the Canadian Council of the Blind (CCB), we operate under the constitution and by-laws as set out by CCB National who, in turn, are governed by the Canadian Not-For-Profit Corporations Act, and the Canada Revenue Agency's regulations governing registered charities.
The CCB is organized on two levels: the local chapter level, and a national level operating from our National Office in Ottawa, that coordinates the CCB's activities across Canada. The CCB Toronto Visionaries is one of more than 80 CCB Chapters operating in local communities from coast to coast.
One of the requirements of the CCB's by-laws is that our chapter President be a vision-impaired individual, and that official votes by the chapter membership be weighted so that at least 60% of the deciding body is also vision-impaired. This ensures that those with vision loss have a "controlling interest" in decisions affecting them at the chapter, divisional, and national levels. This ensures that those with vision loss have a "controlling interest" in decisions affecting them at both the chapter and national levels.
CCB Toronto Visionaries' Chapter Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is comprised of four Executive Officers and a number of appointed executive members. Each member of the Executive Committee is responsible for some aspect of the work of the Executive Committee. Officers are elected by the chapter membership at an Annual General Meeting (AGM) and serve a 3-year term.
Our officers
President, Reg Sullivan
Email Reg
Nafisah Anif, Vice-President
Email Nafisah
Secretary, Lynda Spinney
Email Lynda
Treasurer, Elena (Mato) Aguilar
Email Mato
Executive members (appointed)
Victoria Francis, Executive member (Communications)
Email Victoria
Vacant, Executive member (Social Media)
Uwe Hahnewald, Executive member (Membership)
Email Uwe
Hersha Rele, Executive member (Events Planning Co-ordinator)
Email Hersha
Julia Figueiredo, Executive member (Volunteering)
Email Julia
Vacant, Executive member (Fundraising)
We also recognize a number of hard-working volunteers who, although they do not hold formal positions on the Executive, support the work of the Executive Committee and contribute enormously to making the CCB Toronto Visionaries successful.
If you would like to become involved on the Executive, or as a volunteer at any level, please contact us for more information.